1. that lady that won the gold in the olympics, and then was accused of being a man. erm, if u thought she was a bloke, perhaps u should have looked into it, BEFORE the race.... and fyi she doesnt have an adams apple. all that aside, should the tests not have been done in private? imagine the psychological effect this has on that girl, if she is one. imagine if YOU won gold at the olympics and got told, "oh er sorry. we dont think a woman can run like that. you must be a man. you look like a man"so offensive, sexist and humiliating.
2. people on facebook. if it werent for the fact that i live miles away i would delete the thing. im so tired of reading rediculous statuses about boyfriends and romance, whilst people try their best to sound artistic or philosophical, but still cant spell AnD TyPE LiKe` ~tHis~. the only thing worse, is people on twitter. every five minutes! oh my word. I DONT CARE WHAT YOUR EATING FOR LUNCH! shove off.
3. awareness groups. child abuse awareness. animal rights awareness. global warming awareness. we are AWARE of all of of this stuff now, thank you. so what are we going to do about it?? stop telling us its happening and tell us how to stop it happening.
4.men. your so determined to make us look crazy and so on. but you do bugger all and when u do u do it wrong. so please, do me a favour and get off ur high horse and put in the same amount of effort we do. and no that doesnt mean chocolates and flowers. grow some balls and be romantic. geez.
more to come.
tea break:)