there are somethings any weary blog reader needs to know about me before reading my notes and making any form of harsh critism:
i cant sleep.
and no, im not one of those creative insomniacs, you know, the ones who sit up til the wee hours of the night creating million dollar designs or running countries and creating quotes (Winston Churchill was a well-known insomniac.)
i lie in bed awake, simply wishing to be asleep. i love sleeping. i remember once i slept an entire week through (of course, i exhaggerate, i was quite bombed on painkillers when awake though, just having had my wisdom teeth out)but as of late, my mind is on overdrive and i just cant seem to catch the express service to lala land.
i like to ramble on.
i can honestly take any topic and create an essay about it. you know how in high school everyone moaned when the english teacher set the world limit to min 1000? i wasnt one of those kids. i always had to cut down because i was over the limit.
my grammar and spelling leave alot to be desired.
im not here to be graded, im here to rant, so if your one of those people who cant help but correct mispellings and so on, bugger off. i dont care.
i am highly opinionated.
somethings i say without any cruel intentions tend to upset people anyway, thats not the point. please try to read with an open mind and a creative attitude. i believe what i want to and thats not going to change, unless substantial evidence proves what i believe is wrong.
oh also, nothing i have written here has been pinched from anywhere else, and id appreciate it that you dont pinch any of my junk either (could you be so desperate?, i wonder)i take some of the pictures, the rest are uploaded off photobucket or deviantart.