Life:Is when the bell rings for the end of break and ur still in the tuckshop line.
Is when u finally fall in love and then get dumped.
Is when the shoes u just bought go on sale a day later.
Is when ur tea gets cold.
Is when it rains on your one day off.
Is when a bird poos on ur shoulder.
Is when u studied ur ass off, for the wrong exam.
Is bills and tax and interest that always needs to be paid.
Is losing ur closest friends, and feeling alone.
Is needing to fart when ur stuck in a room full of people.
Is when u get hurt by the people u loved most.
Is when u grow old.
Life is also:
The smell after it rains and everythings fresh.
The first time u say "I love u" and mean it...
Is finding money u forgot about in ur jeans pocket
getting something cheaper coz they messed up on the till.
A warm bed on a cold morning, knowing u can sleep for 10 more minutes...
Knowing that ul always have more people to meet.
Is that song u have to dance too.
Is that movie u have to cry in.
Is that photo u secretly wish never found its way onto facebook.
U can't stress about yesterday, u can't predict tomoro.&&this is ur last chance at today.
life. Live it.<33